1891 - Alton Ville Park


   Louis Bopp arrived in Jamaica on November 26, 1890, on the s.s. Aguan from New York. He had come in order to operate a carousel or merry-go-round at the Jamaica International Exhibition due to open on January 27, 1891. According to the Daily Gleaner Mr Bopp’s carousel ‘is of a new patent having seating capacity for 52 persons - it has 38 horses and two chariots. After the Exhibition closed in May 1891, M. Bopp carried on operating his merry-go-ground and other amusement activities elsewhere in the rest of the year.

   It took a while for Bopp to get the go-ahead to start his ammusemnet park:

Daily Gleaner, 1891
May 21
   We understand that the proprietor of the Merry-go-round at the Exhibition had made an application to secure a piece of ground on the Race Course, in order to put up his machinery and start a place of amusement with skating rink, games of various description, bar, etc., but the City Council asking from him a rent of £30 per month, payable weekly and in advance, the offer has been declined. We hope that Mr. Bopp will be able to carry his scheme out in some other way and that the people of Kingston will not be deprived of one of the too rare opportunities offered them to enjoy th«mlelves a little.


In June Alton Ville, on Upper Orange Street, became available  when the owner, Capt. Mainwaring R. N. was leaving the Island, so:

June 4
City Council
   A letter was read from L. Bopp asking permission to erect a steam boiler and engine at Alton Ville upper Orange Street to run his steam merry-go-round. Permission was refused.
and then:
June 18
City Council
   Councillor Burton moved that the resolution refusing permission to Mr. Bopp to erect a steam engine and boiler for a merry-go-round at May Pen be rescinded and the permission granted. He said that Mr. Bopp had given further information to the Council and he (Mr, Burton) now saw nothing against it. Mr. Ffrench seconded the resolution which was carried.

[I'm not sure if 'May Pen' is just an error, or if Bopp had an alternative proposition!]

   From the end of June the advertisements went out in the press for the Grand Opening of the Alton Ville Park Pleasure Grounds on August 1st:


 'Lime Light Views' = 'Magic Lantern' slides 

camera obscura:




for more on the 'camera obscura'


July 31
   Mr, Bopp's entertainment grounds at Alton Ville in Upper Orange Street, will be opened to the public to-morrow evening. We have had an opportunity of inspecting the ground which is certainly laid out with great taste and a desire to please. There are two turnstiles at the entrance, one of which will be exclusively used for children under 12 years, who enter free if accompanied by their parents, and also for those parties who receive complimentary or season tickets; the other will be for the general public, the entrance fee being sixpence. On entering, the visitor first notices the stand on a slight elevation to the north of the platform erected for the purpose of dancing and skating. On the east and west side of the platform which is about 80 feet long by 40 broad, there is a sidewalk parted off with cocoanut boughs which will serve as a promenade. To the back of the band stand is the refreshment bar where cakes, sandwiches and iced non alcoholic drinks can be obtained at moderate prices. There are also the steam merry-go-round, Aunt Sally, and a shooting gallery. Senor Rondon also has a neat and attractively fitted up pavilion where his usual fine quality iced cream will be served.
   It is important to add that the Tram Car Company, with their usual desire to facilitate amusements for the public, have made arrangements with Mr. Bopp to convey passengers to the grounds for one fare each way. Mr. Bopp has spared no trouble or expense and certainly deserves a liberal patronage. In addition to the several electric arc lamps, the grounds will be beautifully illuminated with hundreds of Chinese Lanterns.


The end of the 1st stage on the Halfway Tree line of the mule-

drawn street-cars was moved

north up Orange Street to Alton

Ville to facilitate those travelling

from  down-town Kingston.





Then, later in August:

August 21
   Mr. Bopp of Alton Ville Park has requested us to state that the heavy expense of first putting the Park into its present cultivation having been met by the very generous support of our citizens so far, he has decided to throw open the Park grounds to the general public free on Monday and Wednesday each week so that everybody can have a chance to enjoy themselves, good behaviour and respectable appearance being all that will be insisted upon.


October 5
   To-night will be the last for some time to come that Mr. Bopp's entertainment ground will be thrown open to the public.